We have no ambition to become very big, we just want to make beautitul things.
Archibase is a full stack office management package. This makes it useful for anyone who works on a project basis, but we have chosen to focus on the architecture community because that's our origin. We believe it is important to help starters set up their business. That is why we deliberately keep the starting rate for the self-employed low. Large and small agencies pay per employee according to the ability-to-pay principle, whereas the larger ones pay a little more than the smaller ones. Of course, we do offer a quantity discount.
We also use Archibase, but in a completely different way. The financial part is really very good, it gives a lot of overview. People should be mainly concerned with their profession, and this way I know exactly where I stand.
Bianca Vermeulen – Financial Manager
Everyone writes hours, but what do you do with them? Do you have important contacts on your laptop or phone? Or your administration divided over a whole mountain of spreadsheets and at the end of the month some scribbling on a beer mat to know how you're doing. Recognizable?
Archibase instantly puts an end to it. All your information is collected in one place and at the end of the month the overview comes out of the printer at the touch of a button. But at that time, you already know where you stand.
Growing is always accompanied by growing pains, but growing is something you do together. This is only possible if everyone is involved at the same level and has all the insight.
Archibase makes it possible to designate user rights on a personal level. This way you know exactly that whoever can take the responsibility will also receive it.
By automating as much as possible and sharing centrally we save time. Not for some, but for everyone.
Growth often isn’t even the goal at all. Most agencies would like to make beautiful and challenging projects and growth is simply part of that. But you do want to choose to grow and not have it happen to you. You want to make important decisions based on insight into the current processes and not based on the balance in your bank account. inzicht op de lopende processen en niet op basis van het saldo op je bankrekening.
Archibase offers several extensive financial tools that enable you to broaden your horizons. That is what makes doing business so much fun.
Archibase is a modular software package. This has been chosen so that each user can decide for himself what he wants to use it for. Because of this structure, every Archibase is in fact custom-made.
Every Archibase needs at least one Base to function correctly. From there, modules and functionalities can be added to adapt it to your own wishes and requirements.
The Base consists of: Time Management, CRM, Projects and Information Modules. The other modules can be turned on or off as needed.
The honest answer is yes and no. Switching is not difficult, but we know from experience that most agencies use a mix of programs and apps. To draw from all those sources and then re-enter them in Archibase can be quite a bit of work. The good news is that we offer a 'switching service' where we transfer all data at your location. That takes an average of one day, but might save weeks of headaches.